Super Yummies review

1. Had you heard of Super Yummies before today? If so, where? (eg: Saw it in store, Friends/family recommended, TV, Facebook, Through bloggers, It is part of my repertoire, other (please state). I had never heard of these before. 2. What other dairy products does your little one enjoy? For example: yoghurt, smoothies, custard, etc. … Continue reading Super Yummies review

Top tips for saving money on random things

Every month we struggle for money and I don’t think we’ll ever afford to buy a house but that being said we love our little rented cottage. Here are some of my tips for saving money on random things recently: 1. A Tyre I had the struggle recently of a flat tyre. Luckily it was … Continue reading Top tips for saving money on random things

Thrifty Organising ideas for a clean kids room

Having a kid and keeping its room clean and organised is a real challenge. When it comes to your children, you need to be creative and to think like them. Most of the parents are fed up with the battle cry of “Make up your room”, but everything stems from the way the room is … Continue reading Thrifty Organising ideas for a clean kids room

Mum + Work = Wine

An honest blog about being a Mumpreneur and creating the perfect Work/life balance! What I’ve done today- Starting from 2am- woke up to give my 3 year old calpol (not an every day occurrence). 5am- Woke up again to a poorly toddler who screamed when I told her she couldn’t have Calpol. 7:30am- Woke up … Continue reading Mum + Work = Wine

Before & after kids

I want to talk about the different stages you go through before you have kids in comparison to after! HAIR Before kids i would make sure i washed my hair every other day, blow dry & straighten it. Style it to look decent. Have it highlighted & cut every 6 weeks. Take hair tablets to … Continue reading Before & after kids

Potty Training

I started potty training my nearly 3 year old about 4 months ago really but my daughter was absolutely petrified of the potty. She would hold her wee in all day long to avoid sitting on it. We tried the toilet instead, still the same. We covered her potty in stickers. The same. I bribed … Continue reading Potty Training

Why I don’t mind my toddler watching TV

I've been to so many mum & baby groups where some mums are adamant that they will not let their child watch TV and that they must play with their child all day long. That's fine I have nothing against that. Personally it would drive me insane. I have used the TV for Alana from … Continue reading Why I don’t mind my toddler watching TV